Purpose: First web space contracture of the hand has been treated with various surgical techniques such as Z - plasty, local flap, pedicled flap, distant free flap, and anterolateral thigh free flap. Among those surgical techniques, anterolateral thigh free flap provide a thin and pliable flap, which is a useful method for correction of first web space contracture. Methods: From August 2003 to September 2007, authors selected 9 patients who had first web space contracture with limitation of thumb abduction within 30 degrees. All of patients had received first web contracture release with anterolateral thigh free flap. Age ranged from 24 to 51, and all the patients were male. Average follow up period was 12 months and authors performed photographic analysis of the thumb abduction angle of postoperative increase. Result: All the flaps were survived. Donor site was closed with primary closure in 8 cases and covered with split - thickness skin graft in 1 case. Average flap size was $8{\times}9cm$ and average thickness was 0.6 cm in suprafascial flap. The procedure resulted in increased thumb abduction angle of $34.7^{\circ}$ in average and showed concave shape of first web space in suprafascial flap. Additional operations were performed with Z - plasty in 3 cases, local flap in 5 cases, and opponensplasty in 3 cases. Conclusion: In suprafascial flap, we obtained relatively thin flap thickness and were able to make natural concave shape of first web space. In releasing severe contracture of the first web space, anterolateral thigh free flap provided a good coverage of appropriate thickness and pliable soft tissue and allowed limited donor site morbidity.