Post-Adoption Behavior : Role of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Next-Generation Service Upgrading

혁신기술수용 이후 : 차세대 서비스 업그레이드 의향에 대한 서비스 속성만족은 차원과 고객 충성도의 역할

  • Published : 2009.11.30


Recently, most tech-based products are of multiple generations, since new-generation products are replacing the older ones as technologies continue to improve. Although, this means that research is needed to examine as much about the role of post-adoption behavior as the missing link between the adoptions of successive generation as first adoption of innovation, there is a dearth of literature explicitly examining consumers' post-adoption behavior, especially in the context of subscription-based service. For the subscription-based services, in spite of the important role of consumer satisfaction, research on the post-adoption behavior can not carefully examine the direct impact of consumer satisfaction on their decision to upgrade by considering usage instead of satisfaction as the missing link between buyers' first adoption and their next-generation adoption. This study identified two types of attribute satisfaction such as basic attribute and core attribute using both literature review and FGI (Focus Group Interview), and tries to investigate how two types of attribute satisfaction has influence on customers' intention to upgrade to the next-generation services. and a moderating role of customer loyalty between attribute satisfaction and intention. The empirical results show that core-attribute satisfaction has a negative influence on customers' intention to upgrade, due to the moderating role of customer loyalty, but it can raise their intention to upgrade next-generation services. However, basic-attribute satisfaction, on the other hand, appears to positively influence both customer loyalty and the intention to upgrade. We also find that the consumer attribute satisfaction is influenced by consumer innovativeness, her perception of service and the usage of each features' type in different ways. Finally, academic and practical implication is made, limitation is clarified and a direction for further studies is suggested.



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