Comparative Study of Passivity and RST Regulator Applied to Doubly Fed Induction Machine

  • Aissi, S. (Department of Electronics, Batna University) ;
  • Saidi, L. (Department of Electronics, Batna University) ;
  • Abdessemed, R. (Department of Electrical Engineering, Batna University) ;
  • Ababsa, F. (Laboratoire des Systemes Complexes, Universite d'Evry Vald'Essonne)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.01


In this paper we are interested in the control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) using the Passivity Based Control (PBC). This work presents a solution to the problem of DFIM that requires a state observer. The proposed method shows very important advantages for nonlinear systems, especially in the trajectory tracking to achieve the needed DFIM performance. In the obtained results, the passivity provides high efficiency in DFIM based system, namely in its stability and robustness. An improvement behavior has been observed in comparison to the results given by the RST controller.



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