Synthesis of Automatically Path-Generating Four-Bar Linkage Using NURBS

NURBS를 이용한 4절 링크의 자동 경로 생성

  • 황득현 (한양대학교 기계설계.메카트로닉스공학과) ;
  • 앙현익 (한양대학교 기계정보경영공학부)
  • Published : 2009.12.15


Up to now, it has been said that no satisfactory computer solution has been found for synthesizing four-bar linkage based on the prescribed coupler link curve. In our study, an algorithm has been developed to improve the design synthesis of four bar linkage based on the 5 precision points method. The suggested algorithm generates the desired coupler curve by using NURBS, and then the generated curve approximates as closely as possible to the desired curve representing coupler link trajectory. Also, when comparing each generated curve by constructing the control polygon, rapid comparison is easily achieved by applying convex hull of the control polygon. Finally, an optimization process using ADS is incorporated into the algorithm based on the 5 precision point method to reduce the total optimization process time. As for examples, two four bar linkages were tested and the result well demonstrated the effectiveness of the algorithm.



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