Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review (가족자원경영과 정책)
- Volume 13 Issue 1
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- Pages.1-21
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- 2009
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- 1738-0391(pISSN)
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- 2713-9662(eISSN)
Needs and Utilization of Family-Friendly Work Policies for the Work-family Balance
맞벌이 가정의 일-가정 균형을 위한 기업의 가족친화정책 실시, 활용 및 요구
Yoon, So-Young
(Korea Culture & Tourism Institute Senior Researcher) ;
Kim, Ha-Nui
(Dept. of Home Economics, Graduate School of Korea Univ.) ;
- Koh, Sun-Kang (Dept. of Family Culture and Consumer Science, Sungshin Women's Univ.)
- Published : 2009.02.28
The purposes of this study are to provide background information to develop a family-friendly work policy and to increase the effectiveness and feasibility of this policy. We surveyed the performance of family-friendly work policies, and workers‘ needs and utilizations of 17 family-friendly work policies. We also examined the factors that influence the utilization of family-friendly work policies. The study sample consists of 197 working mothers who have at least one child under age 10. The major findings are as follows: 1) The most-needed family-friendly work policy among working mothers is child care leave 2) Of those family-friendly work policies that are not currently provided, the most-needed policy is family care leave 3) The size of firms, the provision of substitutes, and 40-hour work schedules are statistically significant variables that influence the provision of necessary family-friendly work policies and 4) In addition, the work place culture is a very important factor related to the utilization of work- and family-friendly policies.