A study on Utilization of Dancing Light through Zone Lighting of the Indoor Proscenium Stage

실내 프로시니엄 공연무대의 구역 디자인 구역조명을 통한 무용 조명 활용방법에 관한 연구

  • 이장원 (대전보건대학 방송제작과, 스타LVS) ;
  • 한미희 (스타LVS 예술경영기획부)
  • Published : 2009.02.28


This study is to investigate the utilization of Indoor Proscenium Stage Zone Lighting method in the dancing performance. In other words, it is about how we can utilize the principle of zone lighting in dancing performance, a kind of stage art. Stage lights give lights on the stage. Therefore they play big and important roles in dancing performances. Lightings make big influence on the overall atvosphere and situations of the dancing work but most of dancers do not perceive their importance and furthermore they don't know about the lightings very well. To let them know about stage lightings better, we studied lightings form the perspective of the dancers who face the lightings without great knowledge thresh the articles and literature related general lightings and lighting design, books related to stage lightings and dancing lightings, previous studies and academic articles. The most important part of this study is to understand and utilize the principle of zone lightiing. Zone lighting is generally called as cross lighting, which means single light from the crossed two lights. When looking into the principle of the zone lighting of the Indoor Proscenium Stage, it means 45 degree lighting from both sides of the top form the point of the dancer When more than two lights are used, the angle of the light should be $90^{\circ}$or 120. It is the principle of the lighting technology showing the face and body of the dancers ing three dimension. Applying for the principle of this zone lighting to the dancing performance of Indoor Proscenium Stage, the lighting methods and the usage of the lightings were studied. As shown above, the role of the lighting is very important in dancing configuration. We hope that the perception on the dancing lighting will be changed and studies on the dancing lightings. By understanding and applying more principles of lighting, we will make efforts to make better dancing performance and dancing conporsers and dancers shall make more efforts and studies on lighting for better works. Through such efforts, we can have more experts and professionals In dancing lighting field and they will help us to describe and express the intention of the dancing work better as dancing artists. We hope that there will be better quality performances through more and diversified studies in this field.



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