A Comparative Study on Light and Space in the Stage Designs of Tristan und Isolde - Focusing on the Experiments and design projects by Max Keller -

트리스탄과 이졸데의 무대디자인에 적용된 빛과 공간의 비교분석 - 막스 켈러의 실험과 디자인 프로젝트를 중심으로 -

  • 김종진 (건국대학교 건축전문대학원 실내건축설계학과)
  • Published : 2009.02.28


The relationship between light and space is fundamental In an opera stage design. In contemporary stage design, light, color and space themselves became one of tile most important elements to express and symbolize the content of the opera. This was very different compared to the primitive and medieval opera stage design in the past. The designer tried to represent the same periodical background of the opera with exact replica of the buildings as well as costumes. In comtemporary performance art, light became one the most important aspects in design. Max Keller is one of the living pioneers in stage lighting design. This thesis that is based on his lighting experiments and projects attempts to examine how contemporary stage design and light are applied and what kind of characteristics they have. One of the Wagner's opera, "Tristan und Isolde" was selected to be further analyzed. Three different "Tristan und Isolde" opera stage designs were carefully studied in terms of how three designs are differently constructed for specific same contents of the opera. This sort of comparison study is crucial when there is a strict parameter that is the opera itself. It was found that three opera stages have very different stage designs and unique ways of expressing the opera flow and contents. However, in some parts, very similar lightings were used. This sort of multi-disciplinary study can be helpful to re-think the interior environment by applying light as a fundamental medium.



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