Texture, Morphology and Photovoltaic Characteristics of Nanoporous F:SnO2 Films

  • Han, Deok-Woo (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University, and R&D Center, AVACO Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Heo, Jong-Hyun (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Kwak, Dong-Joo (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University) ;
  • Han, Chi-Hwan (Sensors and Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research) ;
  • Sung, Youl-Moon (Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyungsung University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.01


The nanoporous $F:SnO_2$ materials have been prepared through the controlled hydrolysis of fluoro(2-methylbutan-2-oxy)di(pentan-2,4-dionato)tin followed by thermal treatment at $400-550^{\circ}C$. The main IR features include resonances at 660, 620 and 540 cm-1. From the TG-DTG result, three main mass losses of 6.5, 13.3 and 3.8 at 81, 289 and $490^{\circ}C$ are observed between 50 and $650^{\circ}C$ yielding a final residue of 76.0%. The size of Sn $O_2$ nanoparticles rose from 5 nm to 10-12 nm as the temperature of thermal treatment is increased from 400 to $550^{\circ}C$.



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