A Study on a Student's General Recognition of Web-Based PBL and Learning Activity of Students by Their Reflective Thinking Level

웹 기반 문제중심학습에 대한 학습자의 인식, 성찰수준, 학습활동에 관한 연구 - 간호학 대학원 학생을 중심으로 -

  • Lee, Sun-Oak (School of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Korea National Open University) ;
  • Park, Young-Suk (School of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Korea National Open University)
  • 이선옥 (한국방송통신대학교 자연과학대학 간호학과) ;
  • 박영숙 (한국방송통신대학교 자연과학대학 간호학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


Purpose: Level of reflective thinking of students are important factors in the area of nursing studies on web-based PBL. These factors were used as a component of learning strategies. One was to understand general recognition to web-based PBL and reaction to the use of reflective journal. The other was to investigate the level of reflective thinking was related to learning activity. Method: PBL was adopted for an online course titled 'Nursing Assessment and Intervention'. Twenty graduate students were evaluated from questionnaire, reflective journals, and individual assignments. Result: Web-based PBL was strong for self-directed learning, team activity, creative thinking, diversity of thinking, and diverse process of learning while hard time, lack of cooperation, uncertainty of outcome, and lack of time were considered as weakness. Reflective journal gave moderate help to learning activities. The learners' learning activities was the lowest in the middle level of reflective thinking. Conclusion: Generally, graduate students in college of nursing showed slightly positive attitude to PBL experience and slightly positive reaction to the learning effect of reflective journal. PBL was estimated to be valuable and meaningful. There was no relationship between the level of reflective thinking and learning activities.



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