Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology (대한암한의학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 1
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- Pages.53-59
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- 2009
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- 1975-244X(pISSN)
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- 2765-4850(eISSN)
A Clinical Case of Patient with Cancer Pain Treated by Moxibustion
쑥뜸치료(Moxibustion)로 호전된 비소세포성 폐암 환자의 암성 통증 1례
- Kim, Min-Kyung (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Lee, Jin-Su (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Lee, Sang-Hun (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Jung, Hyun-Sik (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
Choi, Won-Cheol
(M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Suk (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center)
- 김민경 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 이진수 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 이상헌 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 정현식 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
(경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 김경석 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터)
- Published : 2009.12.28
Background & Objective: Regardless of types of cancer, cancer pain means the pain occurred by tumor itself, caused by complication or side effects during treatment and which is neither directly related to tumor nor treatment. This case was performed to relieve the cancer pain and study the effect of moxibustion to the cancer pain. Method: For 27 days, the patient was treated by moxibustion(