Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology (대한암한의학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 1
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- Pages.13-20
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- 2009
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- 1975-244X(pISSN)
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- 2765-4850(eISSN)
Two Cases of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Allergen Removed Rhus Verniciflua Stokes Based Traditional Korean Medicine and Chemotherapy
알러젠 제거 옻나무 추출물 위주의 한방치료와 항암화학요법을 병용한 폐암 환자 2례
- Kwon, Eun-Mi (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Jerng, Ui-Min (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Kim, Kyung-Suk (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Lee, Soo-Kyung (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
Choi, Won-Cheol
(M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center) ;
- Yoon, Seong-Woo (M.U Integrative Cancer Center, Kyunghee East-West Neo Medical Center)
- 권은미 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 정의민 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 김경석 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 이수경 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
(경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터) ;
- 윤성우 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방암센터)
- Published : 2009.12.28
Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related death throughout the world. Non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) is the most deadly form of lung cancer. Patients with non-small cell lung cancer are often found to be unavailable for operation at primary diagnosis. They are typically given conventional chemotherapy. When the tumor progresses during chemotherapy, a change in regimen is considered. The average period of administration differs with the regimen. In this case report, the authors introduce two cases of non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with allergen removed Rhus verniciflua stokes based herbal medicine along with pemetrexed(
- non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC);
- pemetrexed;
- erlotinib;
- allergen removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes(aRVS)