다문화권 학생들의 초등수학 학습과정에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study on the Instructional Dimensions in Teaching Mathematics to the Elementary School Student from Multi-cultural Backgrounds

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


This study was to find the difficulties students faced in their mathematical learning and to identify the instructional dimensions a teacher provided for the students from multi-cultural background. Since the study was focused on the process of students' learning, the qualitative method was chosen through clinical interviews with 2 students in a total of 11 units which played a role of compensating their learning of mathematics as an extra curriculum. The students solved the computational problems relying on formal procedure without understanding of concepts and principles and solved the word problems based on own interpretation of certain words without semantic comprehension out of math sentences. As the instructional dimensions of teaching mathematics, tasks, a tool and classroom norm were found in the activities they performed. For the tasks, situated tasks, challenging tasks, tasks with lack of conditions, and open-ended exploratory tasks were used. As the tool, pictorial representations were very useful to describe their ideas. Finally, as the classroom norm, consider equity for everyone, and cooperate and encourage each other were found.



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