미국의 선다형 문항 적용을 통한 우리나라 초등 교사의 수학을 가르치는데 필요한 지식 분석

Adapting U.S. Multiple-choice Items to Measure Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) in Korea

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


The purpose of this study was to explore the adaptability of U.S. multiple-choice items to measure Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) in Korea. For this purpose, the authors selected the number and operations form B which was developed by Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) project at the University of Michigan and then adapted items in terms of general cultural context, school cultural context, mathematical substances, and language in Korea. The survey was administrated to 77 Korean in-service teachers who had more than three years of teaching experiences. Based on the survey, the authors compared the data to that of U.S. teachers who had participated California's Mathematics Professional Development Institute. As a result, the survey measures less knowledge Korean teachers than more knowledgable Korean teachers and there are strong correlations of relative item difficulties between Korean teachers and U.S. teachers for both Content Knowledge (CK) items and Knowledge of Content and Students (KCS) items. This study implies the future direction for developing items to measure teacher knowledge as well as designing effective teacher education programs.



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