의류브랜드 확장시 소비자 혁신성과 제품범주의 유사성에 의한 확장제품 평가차이

Difference in Extended Products Evaluation by Consumer Innovativeness and Similarity of Product Category for Apparel Brand Extension

  • 이영주 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


This study investigates the influence of the innovativeness of consumers on extended products in brand extensions. 300 surveys were distributed and 283 were used in the final analysis. The results of this study show that consumers evaluate similar product category (i.e., sportswear) better than a dissimilar category (i.e., cosmetics) in brand extension. In addition, innovative consumers evaluated extended product better regardless of similarity with the original brand. The results showed that consumers with higher level of innovativeness were less likely to evaluate differently between a similar product and dissimilar product categories in apparel brand extension.



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