전통주에 어울리는 한국음식에 대한 인식

Consumers Perception of Korean Foods Compatible with Traditional Korean Liquors

  • 서선희 (이화여자대학교 건강과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이지은 (이화여자대학교 건강과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Seo, Sun-Hee (Department of Nutritional Sciences & Food Services, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Lee, Jee-Eun (Department of Nutritional Sciences & Food Services, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


The purpose of this research was to investigate consumers' perceptions of foods that are most compatible with traditional Korean liquors. The study participants were a total of 402 customers who visited traditional Korean bars. Thirty-eight percent of the participants drank alcohol once or twice a week, and overall, 79% drank with friends or co-workers. Forty-three percent spent 30,000-40,000 won on alcoholic drinks, and half of them frequently drank distilled Soju whereas 27% drank beer. Those who drank traditional Korean liquor chose to do so because they viewed it as good for their health and the beverage was tasty. Participants selected Yakju/Baekseju (47.5%), Bokbunjaju (21.1%), and Takju/Makgeoli (8.2%) as the most compatible Korean traditional liquors with Korean traditional foods. The most compatible foods with Yakju were identified as Haemulpajeon (11.8%), Dubukimchi (9.8%), and Bossam/Suyuk/Pyeonyuk (7.5%). Bokbunjaju was viewed as a good match with Jangeogui (8.1%), Hunjeori (6.5%), and Saengseonhoe (6.4%). The respondents perceived Deodeokgui (6.7%), Saengseonhoe (5.9%), and Dubukimchi (5.6%) as the most compatible foods with Yakju with mushrooms. Chengju was viewed as a good pairing with Eomuktang (9.2%), Altang/Maeuntang (7.2%), and Saengseonhoe (6.8%). The respondents thought Takju went well with Haemulpajeon (17.7%), Dubukimchi (14.2%), and Kimchijeon (11.7%). And finally, Altang/Maeuntang (11.8%), Samgyeopsalgui (8.7%), and Honghaptang/Jogaetang (8.1%) were mentioned as the most compatible foods with distilled Soju.



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