Yield and Size of Enlarged Rhizome among Different Kinds of White Lotus

백련 종류에 따른 연근 크기와 수확량

  • Im, Myung-Hee (Institute of Regional Crop Research, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Park, Yong-Seo (Institute of Regional Crop Research, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Cho, Ja-Yong (Dept. of Medicated Diet & Food Technology, Jeonnam Provincial College) ;
  • Park, Sam-Gyun (Agriculture Technology Center of Muan-gun) ;
  • Yun, Jae-Gill (Dept. of Horticultural Science, Jinju National University) ;
  • Jang, Hong-Gi (Naju Foundation of Natural Dyeing Culture) ;
  • Heo, Buk-Gu (Naju Foundation of Natural Dyeing Culture)
  • 임명희 (목포대학교 지역특화작목산업화센터) ;
  • 박용서 (목포대학교 지역특화작목산업화센터) ;
  • 조자용 (전남도립대학 약선식품가공과) ;
  • 박삼균 (무안군 농업기술센터) ;
  • 윤재길 (진주산업대학교 원예학과) ;
  • 장홍기 ((재)나주시천연염색문화재단) ;
  • 허북구 ((재)나주시천연염색문화재단)
  • Published : 2009.02.28


This study was conducted to examine the difference in yield and size of enlarged rhizome according to the kinds of native white lotuses. Four white lotuses (Nelumbo nucifera) were collected from 4 different sites, Jeonbuk Jeonju ('Garam'), Jeonnam Muan ('Hoesan'), Chungnam Buyeo ('Ihnchuisa'), and Chungnam Cheongyang('Cheongyang'). Each enlarged rhizome was planted in an area of 3.3 $m^2$ on 10. April, 2007 and digged out on 19. February, 2008. The yield of enlarged rhizome was in the order of Hoesan (3.0 kg/$m^2$), Cheongyang (2.5 kg/$m^2$), Garam (2.0 kg/$m^2$) and Ihnchuisa (1.0 kg/$m^2$). The number of enlarged rhizomes was in the order of Ihnchuisa (4.9/$m^2$), Garam (4.3/$m^2$), Hoesan (4.2/$m^2$) and Cheongyang (4.1/$m^2$). Total number of nodes in the enlarged rhizomes were much more in the order of Hoesan (17.0/$m^2$), Ihnchuisa (16.0/$m^2$), Cheongyang (15.3/$m^2$) and Garam (14.1/$m^2$). Component ratio of enlarged rhizome length below 50cm for Ihnchuisa, Garam, Hoesan and Cheongyang were 76.3%, 53.0%, 38.2% and 40.3% respectively. Native white lotus had a longer enlarged rhizome in the first node than the other nodes, and their enlarged rhizome length and width became thin. And it became thick and short from the second node of enlarged rhizome. Accordingly the amount of enlarged rhizomes 'Hoesan' was extremely much than others.

백련 4종류의 연근 특성을 조사하기 위해 2007년 4월 10일에 3.3 $m^2$ 당 비대근경 1개씩을 심은 후 2008년 2월 19일에 굴취하여 1 $m^2$ 당 수확량과 비대 근경의 크기를 조사하였다. 수확량은 '회산' 백련(3.0kg), '청양' 백련(2.5 kg),'가람' 백련(2.0 kg), '인취사' 백련(1.0 kg) 순으로 나타났다. 비대근경의 수는 '인취사' 백련 4.9개, '가람' 백련 4.3개,'회산' 백련 4.2개, '청양' 백련 4.1개 순이었다. 비대근경의 총 마디 수는 '회산' 백련(17.0개), '인취사' 백련(16.0), '청양' 백련(15.3개), '가람' 백련(14.1개) 순이었다. 뿌리의 길이는 '인취사' 백련과 '가람' 백련은 50 cm 이하인 것이 각각 76.3, 53.0%인 반면에 '회산' 백련과 '청양' 백련은 각각 38.2%와 40.3%를 나타내었다. 자생백련 비대근경의 첫 번째 마디는 다른 마디에 비해 긴 경향을 나타냈지만 직경과 횡경은 작아서 가늘었으며, 둘째 마디부터는 굵고 짧은 형태를 나타내었다. 따라서 백련근의 수확량 측면에서는 '회산' 백련이 제일 우수한 것으로 나타났다.



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