A Comparative Study on the Difference Between Herbal Formulations in Dongeuibogam and their Original Chinese Medical Texts

《東医宝鑒》 方劑引文与代表性中医原著比較硏究

  • Received : 2009.09.10
  • Accepted : 2009.09.18
  • Published : 2009.09.30


This is a study on the difference between herbal formulations cited in Dongeuibogam and their original Chinese texts. We focused on the changes of herbal formulations from their original Chinese texts in the course of compilation of Dongeuibogam. We searched for the reason of this change on various aspects. Our findings confirmed the need for further studies in this field Through this study, we concluded that the changes between the original Chinese texts and Dongeuibogam are a consequent phenomena of historical progression. We hope lor this study to act as a foundation for further advanced studies.
