제주시 탑동 수변공간 조성을 위한 기초연구

Preliminary Study for the Waterfront in Jeju Topdong

  • 투고 : 2009.10.10
  • 심사 : 2009.11.11
  • 발행 : 2009.11.25


Jeju Topdong is a seashore but there are no relations to the waterfront. Since Topdong was developed and reclaimed by the capitalistic system so that topdong have a lot of problems as a waterfront. First of all, Topdong has no water-familiar as a waterfront that is because of high level concrete breakwater. And also Topdong has no identity in seashore buildings which are composed by fish restaurants, seashore theater, shops, hotels and otherwise buildings. From the above critical mind, in this study look to process of reclamation of Topdong and examine the current situations and problems. To recover water-familiar of Topdong, this study examine the case study on abroad waterfront cases and refer to these abroad cases for establishing desirable waterfront model of Topdong. From the analysis, this study propose the waterfront elements and schematic alternative plan for Jeju Topdong in order to recover the water-familiar as a waterfront and a seashore.



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