Form, Function and Longevity in Fucoid Thalli: Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Differentiation of Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus and F. distichus (Phaeophyceae)

  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


Imaging-PAM fluorometry was used to assess the chlorophyll a fluorescence parameter ${\Phi}_{PSII}$ (effective quantum yield) in Frcus vesiculosus. F. disttchus. ssp. distichus and AscophyIIum nodosum. The objective was to show variadon in fluorescence yield associated with age and frond organ, and to illustrate the spatial scales at which photosynthetic parameters vary on fucoid thalli. In addition, our species represented taxa in different but related genera, species with different ecoloeies (rock pool and non rock pool species), morphologies (with and without air bladders) and longevities (several to 20 or more years). A further objective was to determine the extent to which photosynthetic parameters reflected these differences- Effective quantum yield declined substantially with age in F. vesiculosus and F. distichus ssp. distichus, whereas ${\Phi}_{PSII}$ in A. nodosum was maximal after three years. In A. nodosum ${\Phi}_{PSII}$ was still high in branch segments at least seven years old. Older branches of A. nodosum showed relatively higher and more homogeneous photosynthetic capacity relative to Fucus species. Surfaces of air bladders in A. nodosum and F. vesicu- losus had ${\Phi}_{PSII}$ that was not significantly different from the highest rates, achieved in these species. The heterogene- ity of photosynthetic efficiency is consistent with morphological and developmental differences among the species and their ecology. in particular the longevity of A. nodosum fronds.



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