시판 쌀가루를 이용한 설기떡의 품질 특성

Quality Characteristics of Sulgiddeok with Different Commercial Rice Flours

  • 한숙경 (전북대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 노정옥 (전북대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Han, Sook-Kyoung (Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Rho, Jeong-Ok (Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The study assessed the quality characteristics of Sulgiddeok with self-made and commercially-available rice flours during a 1-day storage at ambient temperature($20\sim22^{\circ}C$). The nutritional components, color value, physical tests, internal structure as revealed by scanning electron microscopy SEM, and sensory evaluation of Sulgiddeok were determined. Sulgiddeok prepared with self-made rice flour and two commercial rice flour were designated as sample A, B, and C, respectively. Moisture content, crude protein, crude lipid, and pH did not differ significantly among the preparations. Sweetness was highest in sample B(p<0.01) and crude ash was highest in sample A(p<0.001). L color, a value, and b value was highest in sample B, C, and C, respectively. Texture property analysis showed that hardness, gumminess, and chewiness tended to decrease during the 1-day storage, while adhesiveness, springiness, and cohesiveness tended to increase. Sensory characteristics of color, flavor, chewiness, gumminess, externals, and overall quality of sample A were superior to samples B and C. However, softness was highest in sample B. The internal structure of Sulgiddeok was preserved in sample A. It is concluded that rice flour B can make Sulgiddeok comparable to that prepared using self-made rice flour.



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