Dehydrodivanillin: Multi-dimensional NMR Spectral Studies, Surface Morphology and Electrical Characteristics of Thin Films

  • Gaur, Manoj (St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi) ;
  • Lohani, Jaya (Solid State Physics Laboratory) ;
  • Balakrishnan, V.R. (Solid State Physics Laboratory) ;
  • Raghunathan, P. (National Brain Research Centre, Manesar,) ;
  • Eswaran, S.V. (St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.20


The complete structural characterization of dehydrodivanillin, an important natural product of interest to the food, cosmetics and aroma industries, has been carried out using multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopic techniques, and its previously $reported^{13}$C-NMR values have been reassigned. Dense and granular thin films of dehydrodivanillin have been grown by sublimation under high vacuum and studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), electrical and optical techniques. The transmittance spectra of the films indicate a wide optical band gap of more than 3 eV. Typical J-V characteristics of Glass/ITO/dehydrodivanillin/Al structure exhibited moderate current densities ${\sim}10^{-4}\;A/cm^2$ at voltages > 25 V with an appreciable SCLC mobility of the order of $10^{-6}\;cm^2$/V-s.



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