SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Traits in Rice

  • 투고 : 2008.06.07
  • 발행 : 2008.06.10


A total of 41 microsatellite markers were used with 29 genotypes to examine the relationship between SSR polymorphisms and N-use efficiency related traits with a goal to identify the putative QTLs related to these traits. These primers yielded a total of 183 alleles (average 4.46 alleles per primer), and polymorphism information content (PIC) values of the SSRs ranged from 0.119 to 0.805 with mean value of 0.425. Correlation coefficients were obtained among the four N-use efficiency traits in the 34 accessions and significant positive correlations of relative ratios between grain yield and harvest index (r=0.3404) and total dry matter (r=0.7976), while N uptake showed a moderate level of correlation with the ratios of the grain yield and total dry matter, respectively. 36.5% (15/41) SSR markers were monomorphic among the 25 japonica accessions out of the 29 accessions. Association between SSR genotypes and phenotypic performances from the total (29) or japonica (25) accessions was tested based on a single point analysis. Three putative QTL regions were detected for the ratio of grain yield. These include the chromosomal region containing the RM283 locus on chromosome 1 and RM25 on chromosome 8 (all and japonica accessions) and the region with the SSR marker, RM206 on chromosome 11 (the japonica accessions). For the total dry matter ratio, two chromosomal regions were identified as the putative QTL region. One is the region with the SSR marker, RM162 on chromosome 6 (all and japonica accessions) and the other was the one with the SSR marker RM25 on chromosome 8 (the japonica accessions). Among these markers, RM25 showed associations with both traits.



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