Study on Ship Detection Using SAR Dual-polarization Data: ENVISAT ASAR AP Mode

  • Yang, Chan-Su (Ocean Satellite Research Group, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Ouchi, Kazuo (Department of Computer Science, National Defense Academy)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


Preliminary results are reported on ship detection using coherence images computed from cross-correlating images of multi-look-processed dual-polarization data (HH and HV) of ENVISAT ASAR. The traditional techniques of ship detection by radars such as CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) rely on the amplitude data, and therefore the detection tends to become difficult when the amplitudes of ships images are at similar level as the mean amplitude of surrounding sea clutter. The proposed method utilizes the property that the multi-look images of ships are correlated with each other. Because the inter-look images of sea surface are covered by uncorrelated speckle, cross-correlation of multi-look images yields the different degrees of coherence between the images and water. In this paper, the polarimetric information of ships, land and intertidal zone are first compared based on the cross-correlation between HH and HV images, In the next step, we examine the technique when the dual-polarization data are split into two multi-look images, It was shown that the inter-look cross-correlation method could be applicable in the performance improvement of small ship detection and the land masking, It was also found that a simple combination of coherence images from each co-polarised (HH) inter-look and cross-polarised (HV) inter-look data can provide much higher target-detection possibilities.



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