화장의 상징적 기능과 페이스 페인팅

A Study on the Symbolic Function of Make-up and Face-painting

  • 이연희 (한국국제대학교 미용예술학과)
  • Lee, Yon-Hee (Dept. of Beauty Design, International University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


This research was conducted to define the different conventional meanings of face painting, we can come across easily in recent days, in different times and different cultures. The conclusions of the research are as followed. First, the face painting was mainly done for the symbolic function. Second, in un-cultivated groups, face painting was one way of body art expression and in some cases, the color and the pattern was the tool to give a symbolic massage that was more powerful than a language. The characteristics of the patterning was that they adopted wide range of patterns include geriatrics, abstract, animals, plants and especially the abstract patterns have the groups unique symbolic meanings such as specific pattern appears guard god which was the effort of having a wholeness with the pattern. Third, it is known that in un-cultivated cultures, face painting has a symbolic function whereas in modern society, there is an emphasis on a decorative function. Lastly, the various expressions of modern body decorations are seen as a result of social/cultural states of the settlement ethnic culture and the modern life style of the people who want to have direct and active opinions and individualize and differentiate themselves.



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