온라인게임에서 게이머의 개인적 특성과 환경적 특성이 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 한국과 중국 온라인 게임을 중심으로

Empirical Validation for Gamer's Personality and Environmental Characteristics To Customer Royalty: The Study of Comparison Between Korean Gamers and Chinese Gamers

  • 김정욱 (세종대학교 경영학과, 산호세 주립대학교)
  • Kim, Jeong-Wook (Department of Business Administration, Sejong University, San jose State University)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


This paper studied the determinants affected the gamer's flow and communication on personal factors and environmental factors. The study deeply researched on the influence of flow and communication on customer loyalty, comparing korean gamer's behavior with chinese ones as research objects. As a result for this study, on-line game with high customer loyalty are considered as the more successful ones, resulted in korean gamers more influential on customer loyalty than chinese gamers, and suggested the strategic directions for online game developers and services.



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