아동의 비만스트레스가 우울에 미치는 영향에 대한 자아탄력성의 중재효과

The Mediating Effects of Ego-Resiliency on the Relationship between Child's Obsesity Stress and Depression

  • 전숙영 (나사렛대학교 아동학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


This study examined the relationships between children's stress about obsesity and depression. In order to expand the study on the relationships, special attention was given to the possible moderator effects of child's ego-resiliency. The subjects were 494 4th and 6th graders residing in Seoul. It was found that 6th grade children's stress about obesity and depression was higher more than 4th graders in every boys and girls. Otherwise, 4th grade children's ego resiliency more higher in girls, 6th grade children's ego resiliency more higher in boysn. Children's stress about obesity was significantly related with the levels of childre's depression. The results indicated that children's higher obesity stress was related to higher levels of children's depression. Children's ego resiliency were found to be a significant moderator of relationship between children's obesity stress and depression. These findings indicated that children's ego resiliency could fuction as a protecting factor for children who perceive obesity stress.



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