Play Therapy for abused brother and sister

피학대 남매아동을 위한 놀이치료

  • Choi, Jung-Mi (Chonnam University Child Day Care Center, Chonnam University)
  • Published : 2008.10.31


This research is based on two cases study of brother and sister who experienced difficulties due to their parent's abuse. The brother and sister play therapy was conducted for sixteen sessions. Each of the therapy and the activity sessions ran 90 minutes weekly. The purpose of this study is to decrease problematic behaviors and to improve self-confidence of abused brother and sister. As a result, the brother's and sister's self-confidence lowered by past negative experiences has been improved, poor social relationship patterns have changed and need for growth as a good person has arisen. The results of research indicate the effectiveness of play therapy to abused brother and sister.



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