기내배양에 의한 Philodendron cannifolium의 대량번식

In vitro micropropagation of Philodendron cannifolium

  • 한봉희 (원예연구소 원예생명공학과) ;
  • 박병모 (전북대학교 환경생명자원대학 환경자원학부)
  • Han, Bong-Hee (Horticulture Biotechnology Division, Horticulture Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Byoung-Mo (Department of Environment Landscape Arcitecture Design, College of Environmental Bioresource Sciences, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Philodendron cannifolium을 기내배양하여 일시에 균일한 식물체를 대량생산하기 위하여 실험을 실시하였다. Philodendron의 경정에서 부정 다아체 형성은 BA $2.0{\sim}5.0$ mg/L 첨가배지와 TDZ $0.05{\sim}1.0$ mg/L 첨가배지에서 양호하였다. 그러나 TDZ이 첨가된 배지에서 생육한 식물체는 모두 엽록소가 결핍되었다. 신초경정에서 형성된 부정 다아체를 $5{\sim}7$ mm 정도로 종으로 절단하여 배양한 결과 BA $1.0{\sim}3.0$ mg/L가 첨가된 배지에서 신초수가 30개 이상으로 신초의 증식이 양호하였다. 그러나 BA가 고농도(10.0 mg/L)로 첨가된 배지 및 TDZ이 첨가된 배지는 기부의 callus가 이상 비대하였다. 증식된 신초의 색도 cream색으로 엽록소가 부족하였다. 증식된 신초의 생육 및 발근은 IBA $0.5{\sim}2.0$ mg/L가 첨가된 MS 배지에서 양호하였다. 발근된 신초의 순화는 vermiculite와 perlite 및 vermiculite의 1:1 혼합용토가 적합하였다. MS배지에 활성탄 10 g/L와 sucrose 30 g/L가 첨가된 액체배지 15 mL를 첨가하여 신초를 생육시킨 다음, IBA $500{\sim}2,000$ ppm이 첨가된 용액에서 10 초간 침지하여 perlite와 vermiculite가 1:1로 혼합된 용토에 재식하였을 때, 신초의 생육 및 발근이 양호하였다.

In order to micropropagate uniform plantlets of Philodendron cannifolium in vitro, the shoot tips were cultured on MS media supplemented with $0.5{\sim}10.0$ mg/L BA or $0.05{\sim}0.1$ mg/L thidiazuron(TDZ). The adventitious multi-bud clusters from basal part of shoots were formed on MS media containing $2.0{\sim}5.0$ mg/L BA or $0.05{\sim}0.1$ mg/L TDZ. But the shoots grown on MS media with TDZ showed necrosis by the lack of chlorophyll. The adventitious multi-bus clusters were cut into $5{\sim}7$ mm sections and cultured on MS media containing BA and TDZ for shoot proliferation. Shoots were proliferated vigorously on MS medium supplemented with $1.0{\sim}3.0$ mg/L BA with up to 30 shoots. But abnormally swollen hard calli were formed from basal parts of shoots on MS media with TDZ and high concentration of BA(10.0 mg/L). The proliferated shoots on same media also showed necrosis by the lack of chlorophyll. The shoot growth and rooting were favorable on MS media containing $0.5{\sim}2.0$ mg/L IBA. The rooted plantlets were acclimatizated effectively in soil mixed with perlite 1:vermiculite 1 or vermiculite alone. Fifteen mL of liquid medium containing 10 g/L activated charcoal and 30 g/L sucrose were added in same vessels after small shoots were proliferated to stimulate shoot growth and rooting. After 8 weeks in culture, the shoots were dipped into high concentration of IBA solution. and planted in soil mexed with perlite 1:vermiculite 1. The shoot growth and rooting were favorable in dipping treatments of $500{\sim}2,000$ ppm IBA solutions for 10 sec.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Thidiazuron-induced abnormalities in plant tissue cultures vol.37, pp.11, 2018,