Kernel PCA를 이용한 GMM 기반의 음성변환

GMM Based Voice Conversion Using Kernel PCA

  • 한준희 (카이스트 전산학과 음성 인터페이스 연구실) ;
  • 배재현 (카이스트 전산학과 음성 인터페이스 연구실) ;
  • 오영환 (카이스트 전산학과 음성 인터페이스 연구실)
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


This paper describes a novel spectral envelope conversion method based on Gaussian mixture model (GMM). The core of this paper is rearranging source feature vectors in input space to the transformed feature vectors in feature space for the better modeling of GMM of source and target features. The quality of statistical modeling is dependent on the distribution and the dimension of data. The proposed method transforms both of the distribution and dimension of data and gives us the chance to model the same data with different configuration. Because the converted feature vectors should be on the input space, only source feature vectors are rearranged in the feature space and target feature vectors remain unchanged for the joint pdf of source and target features using KPCA. The experimental result shows that the proposed method outperforms the conventional GMM-based conversion method in various training environment.
