패션브랜드에 활용된 캐릭터의 인지현황 및 감성 분석

Current Awareness of Characters Used in Fashion Brands and An Analysis of the Public Perceptions of Characters

  • Yu, Ji-Hun (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Sangmyung University)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


This study analyzed that how well the consumer recognize and what they feel about the characters which were applied in fashion brand. Four hundreds and forty two men and women who were living in Seoul and the metropolitan area were selected for this study and SPSS 12.0 was used for the technical statistics such as Frequency, Chi-Square Test and Correlation Analysis. The result of this study were as follows : 1. The consumer didn't well recognize the name of brand and the character which were provided from the brand. 2. There were included brands 'B' 'T' 'L' 'A' in the highly ranked cognition brand. A common feeling of these brands were 'a feeling of cute' and 'a feeling of intimacy'. 3. The consumer's feelings of character were categorized into 'a feeling of lute''a feeling of sexy' 'a feeling of soft as pap' 'a feeling of humorous'.



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