A Study on Development of a Marine Docking System for Repair of a Small Coast-Boat

연안 소형선박 수리용 해상 상가시스템 개발

  • Published : 2008.08.28


In recent years, small boats used for marine leisure have been steadily increasing because of the increase in national income and the desire for marine leisure. But the repair of such small boats in dry dock has pointed out many faults in small FRP-shipbuilding in terms if workspace and manpower. Lifting a boat from the water to land is done with a crane or by hand using a sling around the bottom of the boat. But dry dock work is limited by the scale of the boat, which corresponds to the crane capacity, with carelessness making it possible to capsize a boat and endanger life. The purpose of this study was the development of a marine docking system that would improve economical efficiency and safety, for which we carried out concept design, model tests, structural analysis, etc.



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