Evaluation of Genotoxicity of Water and Ethanol Extracts from Rhus verniciflua Stokes(RVS)

  • Kim, Ji-Young (Korea Institute of Toxicology, KRICT) ;
  • Oh, Se-Wook (Korea Food Research Institute) ;
  • Han, Dae-Seok (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, University of Incheon) ;
  • Lee, Michael (Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, University of Incheon)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.01


Rhus verniciflua Stokes(RVS), one of traditional medicinal plants in Asia, was found to have pharmacological activities such as antioxidative and antiapoptotic effects, raising the possibility for the development of a novel class of anti-cancer drugs. Thus, potential genotoxic effects of RVS in three short-term mutagenicity assays were investigated, which included the Ames assay, in vitro Chromosomal aberration test, and the in vivo Micronucleus assay. In Ames test, the addition of RVS water extracts at doses from 313 up to 5000 mg/plate induced an increase more than 2-fold over vehicle control in the number of revertant colonies in TA98 and TA1537 strains for detecting the frame-shift mutagens. The similar increase in reversion frequency was observed after the addition of RVS ethanol extracts. To assess clastogenic effect, in vitro chromosomal aberration test and in vivo micronucleus assay were performed using Chinese hamster lung cells and male ICR mice, respectively. Both water and ethanol extracts from RVS induced significant increases in the number of metaphases with structural aberrations mostly at concentrations showing the cell survival less than 60% as assessed by in vitro CA test. Also, there was a weak but statistically significant increase in number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes(MNPCEs) in mice treated with water extract at 2000 mg/kg while ethanol extracts of RVS at doses of up to 2000 mg/kg did not induce any statistically significant changes in the incidence of MNPCEs. Therefore, our results lead to conclusion that RVS acts as a genotoxic material based on the available in vitro and in vivo results.



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