Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 3
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- Pages.297-310
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- 2008
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
A Study on Nurses' Attitude of Job Transfer and Job Satisfaction in Operating Rooms
수술실 간호사의 수술실내 배치전환 태도와 직무만족
- Hwang, Byung-Lang (Department of Operating Room Nursing, Asan Medical Center) ;
- Hong, Gwi-Ryung (Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Hanyang University)
- Published : 2008.09.30
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude of job transfer and job satisfaction in operating rooms, and to use this data towards efficient human resource management. Method: One hundred and seven nurses in operating rooms in a general hospital in Seoul, Korea were surveyed using a questionnaire. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS/PC program. Results: The attitude toward the job transfer was generally favorable with a mean of 3.32 out of a 5 point scale in rating the need for job transfer. Among the five domains of attitudes toward job transfer, individual development scored the highest(mean, 3.75). The mean score of job satisfaction in the study participants was rated in a 5 point scale with a mean of 3.12. Among the seven domains of job satisfaction, networking(3.37) scored the highest, followed by the perspective of professional position(3.32). Therefore, it can be said that mutual interaction and professional position are the most important factors for job satisfaction. The correlation between the attitude toward job transfer and job satisfaction showed a positive relationship with a coefficient of 0.210, implying that job satisfaction was higher when the attitude toward transfer was more favorable. Conclusion: From the attitude toward job transfer, individual development and professional improvement was favorable, implying the need for such program. Therefore, it is recommended that an official policy should be provided to achieve these goals in perioperative nursing.