혼외관계에 대한 허용도에 미치는 혼외성경험과 성별 영향

A Study on the permissiveness toward extramarital relationships according to extramarital sexual involvement and sex

  • 발행 : 2008.08.30


This study is to examine the influences of the sex and the extramarital sexual involvement on the permissiveness toward extramarital relationship. The relative influences which the sex and the extramarital sexual involvement have on the permissiveness were measured accordingly to the sex of the involved spouse. From the sample of 492 married individuals, the findings were as follows : First, regardless of the sex of the respondents, extramarital relationship was mostly disapproved. Irrespective of the sex of the involved spouse, men tended to be more permissive than women. Respondents who had extramarital sexual involvements were more permissive than those who had not. Also, whether the respondent had experienced an extramarital sexual involvement or not, women's permissiveness did not depend much on the sex of the involved spouse. Meanwhile, men's permissiveness did. Second, while both the sex and the extramarital sexual involvement were significant variables influencing men's extramarital relationships, only the extramarital sexual involvement proved to be significant in women's case. This result identifies the sex double-standard for the permissiveness toward extramarital relationship.



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