Overproduction of Recombinant Human VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells

  • 발행 : 2008.01.31


Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are a family of proteins that mediate angiogenesis. $VEGF_{165}$ is a VEGF-A isoform and has been extensively studied owing to its potential use in therapeutic angiogenesis. This study established Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells overexpressing recombinant human $VEGF_{165}$ $(rhVEGF_{165})$ protein. The production rate of the established CHO cells was over 80mg/l of $rhVEGF_{165}$ protein from a 7-day batch culture process using a 7.5-l bioreactor with a 5-l working volume and serum-free medium. The $rhVEGF_{165}$ protein was purified to homogeneity from the culture supernatant using a two-step chromatographic procedure that resulted in a 48% recovery rate. The purified $rhVEGF_{165}$ protein was a glycosylated homodimeric protein with a higher molecular weight (MW) than the protein expressed from insect cells, suggesting that the glycosylation of the $rhVEGF_{165}$ protein in CHO cells differed from that in insect cells. The purified $rhVEGF_{165}$ protein in this study was functionally active with a half-maximal effective concentration of 3.8ng/ml and specific activity of $2.5{\times}10^5U/mg$.



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