인참양영탕(人參養榮湯)이 장기간 고용량 스테로이드 투여 hairless mice의 피부장벽에 미치는 영향

Effect of Insamyangyoung-tang on the TEWL of High Dose Steroid Injected Hairless Mice

  • 남혜정 (경희대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실) ;
  • 김윤범 (경희대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.25


Objective : The side effect of prolonged use of topical corticosteroids to skin is well-known. Moreover, resent studies have shown that prolonged use of systemic corticosteroids also negatively impacts skin barrier function. Corticosteroids have a major role in the practical management of many variable conditions. So, it is important to find the drug or the method which could protect the skin from the damage caused by corticosteroids. At former study, we investigated that Insamyangyoung-tang has some effect on skin barrier function of DNCB induced contact dermatitis hairless mice. So, this study was performed to research the effect of Insamyangyoung-tang on the TEWL with high dose steroid injected hairless mice. Method : Hairless mice were divided into 4 groups ; Control group, Group A, Group B and Group C. All groups were injected triamcinolone O.4mg for 10 times. Control group was medicated distilled water during the experimental period. Group A was medicated distilled water for 5 days before the $1^{st}$ injection day, and then medicated Insamyangyoung-tang extract during the experimental period. Group B was medicated Insamyangyoung-tang extract for 5 days before the $1^{st}$ injection day, and then medicated distilled water during the experimental period. Group C was medicated Insamyangyoung-tang extract for 5 days before the $1^{st}$ injection day, and then medicated Insamyangyoung-tang extract during the experimental period. TEWL of each group was measured for 5 times. After the $10^{th}$ injection, the tissue sample was made and the damage of epithelial cell was examined. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05 by using non parametric methods and repeated-anova.. Results : Group C showed significant effect on TEWL change of hairless mice evoked by triamcinolone injection. Group A and Group B also showed some effect, but there was no statistical significance.
