The Korea Journal of Herbology (대한본초학회지)
- Volume 23 Issue 2
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- Pages.213-223
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- 2008
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- 1229-1765(pISSN)
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- 2288-7199(eISSN)
Hypotensive Effect of Scrophularia buergeriana and Gene Analysis of Scrophularia Species
현삼(玄參)의 유전자 분석 및 자발성 고혈압흰쥐의 혈압에 미치는 영향
- Park, Kyu-Ha (Dept. of Herbalogy, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
Ham, In-Hye
(Dept. of Herbalogy, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
Choi, Ho-Young
(Dept. of Herbalogy, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
- Published : 2008.06.30
Objectives : This study was performed to prove the hypotensive effect of 70% MeOH extracts from Scrophularia buergeriana (SB) on rat's femoral artery. Methods : We observed hypotensive effect of SB on rat's femoral artery. Scrophularia buergeriana Miquel, S. kakudensis, S. koraiensis and S. ningpoenesis Hemsl. were used by the RFLP method and sequence analysis of ITS regions, in order to compare and discriminate. Results : SB 70% MeOH Ex., Water fraction, 40% MeOH fraction, 100% MeOH fraction didn't show significantly hypotensive effect. 20% fraction of SB 70% MeOH Ex. showed significantly hypotensive effect. The size of ITS region on Scrophularia sp. is 589