DEA와 AHP 모형을 이용한 제조공정들 간 효율성 평가

An Efficiency Evaluation among Manufacturing Processes using Hybrid DEA/AHP Model

  • 김준범 (서울산업대학교 NIT공학과) ;
  • 김우제 (서울산업대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 조남욱 (서울산업대학교 산업정보시스템공학과)
  • Kim, Jun-Beom (Department of Nano Information Technology Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Kim, Woo-Je (Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Cho, Nam-Wook (Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2008.03.04
  • 심사 : 2008.06.26
  • 발행 : 2008.09.30


Efficiency evaluation methods of manufacturing processes have relied on absolute measures such as defective rate and throughput per person, ignoring various process characteristics. To overcome the limitation, we propose an evaluation model which reflects characteristics of each process. It is composed of three measures : utilization, performance, and improvement. The suggested model utilizes a combination of DEA and AHP methods. The proposed method has been applied to efficiency evaluation of cellular phone case manufacturing processes.



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