시뮬레이션을 이용한 아연공장의 생산통제 방안의 결정

A Decision of the Production Control Policy using Simulation in Zinc Manufacturing Process

  • 김준모 (울산대학교 자동차 선박 기술 대학원 생산기술) ;
  • 김연민 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부)
  • Kim, Jun-Mo (Institute of e-Vehicle Technology, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kim, Yearn-Min (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Ulsan)
  • 투고 : 2008.04.18
  • 심사 : 2008.10.15
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This paper studied issues in decision making on the production control policy of a cathode plate manufacturing process in zinc refining plant. The present production system has a long lead time from raw materials (aluminum plate) to products (cathode plate) due to many WIP inventories. Because WIP inventories are stocked at each process and moved from one place to another frequently, they are the main cause of inefficiency in the process. In this paper, to solve this problem, several production control policies have been identified and studied. Several simulation models are used to compare the performances of these production control policies. The output lead time and WIP (Work In Process) of real production system are compared with those of simulation models. PUSH, CONWIP, DBR, KANBAN and CONWIP-DBR models have been used to simulate and review the optimized production control policy that achieves the target output quantities with decreased lead time and WIP. The simulation results of each production control policy show that CONWIP and CONWIP-DBR models are the good production control policy under the present production system. Especially in present production system, CONWIP with one parameter is easier control policy than CONWIP-DBR with two parameters. Therefore CONWIP has been selected as the best optimum production control policy. With CONWIP, lead time has been reduced by 97% (from 6,653 to 187 minute) and WIP has been reduced from 1,488 to 53, compared to the present system.



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