차생활 예절교육이 여고생의 정서지능에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Tea Etiquette Education on Emotional Intelligence of Girls in High School

  • 발행 : 2008.07.30


The purpose of this study is to estimate the effect of the tea etiquette education program on girls in high school who are under the stress of school life and study, and to determine the possibility of changing the emotional intelligence of them positively through the program. In order to achieve the goals, a tea etiquette education program was designed for this study and practiced from January to March 2007. Two sample groups were selected. One is experimental group consisted of 19 students and the other is control group consisted of 38 students. The results of the study come to the conclusions as follows. In short the tea etiquette education program has a positive effect on the emotional intelligence of girls in high school, with respect to the politeness, the ability to control impulsiveness, the consideration of others and the stable relationship. Therefore, to practice the tea etiquette education program will be helpful for heightening the emotional intelligence of teenagers.



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