청소년 소비자의 소비가치와 소비행동과의 관계 - 이동전화 소비행동을 중심으로 -

A Relationship between Consumption Value and Consumption Behavior of Adolescent Consumers - Focused on the Consumption Behavior of Mobile Phones -

  • 김시월 (건국대학교 소비자정보학과) ;
  • 김유진 (한국정보통신연구원)
  • Kim, Si-Wuel (Department of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, You-Jin (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.04.30


This study aims to offer basic data for consumer education regarding the use of mobile phones by adolescent consumers in a correct way by researching and analyzing the consumption value and consumption behavior of adolescent consumers for mobile phones to see how they use mobile phone as consumers, which is a serious of user behaviors according to their plan, purchase, use, and disposal. Based on the research results, the study proposes the following in relation to the correct use of mobile phones by adolescent consumers. First, in the purchase or use of mobile phones, a more demonstrative consumption pattern was more likely for males than females and for those who are in higher grades than those who are not. Therefore, it is necessary to offer consumer education given the gender and school year rather than stereotyped consumer education. Second, it is necessary to offer objective information and give consumer education for checking the instant desire for something new in order to prevent an impulsive purchase based upon advertisements given the characteristics of adolescent consumers who prefer new designs or functions. Third, regarding the disposal of mobile phones, it is necessary to seek strategies for recycling mobile phones usefully at an administrative level to prevent mobile phones from being thrown away without being recycled.



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