Appearance Management Behaviors and Motives by Body Image of College Men

남자 대학생의 신체이미지에 따른 외모관리 행동과 동기

  • Ryou, Eun-Jeong (Department of Clothing & Textiles, Changwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Hee (Department of Skin Care & Beauty Sciences, Kyungnam College of IT)
  • Published : 2008.01.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the appearance management behaviors and motives differentiated by the body image of college men. A questionnaire was designed for the survey and the subjects were 228 college in Pusan and the Kyongnam province, Korea. The statistical analyses were carried out in the forms of frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test. The findings throughout the research are as follows; First, according to the multidimensional body image of the subjects, the college men were classified into three groups, i.e. the appearance concerning and satisfied group, the weight concerning group, and the appearance indifferent group. The appearance management behaviors of the college men consist of innovative appearance management, weight reduction, appearance management through apparel and fashion products, body shape care, skin care, hair care and health care. Second, the weight concerning group showed a higher BMI than those of the other groups. The means of the monthly income and the expenses for the appearance management of the appearance indifferent group were lower than those of the other groups. Third, the college men were generally shown to pursue the motive improving sociality. The appearance concerning and satisfied group and the weight concerning group indicated higher pursuing motives than the appearance indifferent group in the appearance management motives. Finally, there were significant differences in the appearance management behaviors among the three groups. While the weight concerning group showed the more concerning appearance management behaviors, the appearance indifferent group had the least appearance concerning tendency.



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