Atmosphere (대기)
- Volume 18 Issue 1
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- Pages.55-70
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- 2008
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- 1598-3560(pISSN)
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- 2288-3266(eISSN)
Possible Changes of East Asian Summer Monsoon by Time Slice Experiment
Time Slice 실험으로 모의한 동아시아 여름몬순의 변화
Moon, JaYeon
(Climate Prediction Division, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
Kim, Moon-Hyun
(Climate Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
- Choi, Da-Hee (Climate Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
- Boo, Kyung-On (Climate Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
Kwon, Won-Tae
(Climate Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA)
(기상청 기후예측과) ;
(기상청 국립기상연구소 기후연구팀) ;
- 최다희 (기상청 국립기상연구소 기후연구팀) ;
- 부경온 (기상청 국립기상연구소 기후연구팀) ;
(기상청 국립기상연구소 기후연구팀)
- Received : 2007.12.30
- Accepted : 2008.03.25
- Published : 2008.03.01
The global time slice approach is a transient experiment using high resolution atmosphere-only model with boundary condition from the low resolution globally coupled ocean-atmosphere model. The present study employs this "time slice concept" using ECHAM4 atmosphere-only model at a horizontal resolution of T106 with the lower boundary forcing obtained from a lower-resolution (T42) greenhouse gas + aerosol forcing experiment performed using the ECHO-G/S (ECHAM4/HOPE-G) coupled model. In order to assess the impact of horizontal resolution on simulated East Asian summer monsoon climate, the differences in climate response between the time slice experiments of the present and that of IPCC SRES AR4 participating 21 models including coarser (T30) coupled model are compared. The higher resolution model from time slice experiment in the present climate show successful performance in simulating the northward migration and the location of the maximum rainfall during the rainy season over East Asia, although its rainfall amount was somewhat weak compared to the observation. Based on the present climate simulation, the possible change of East Asian summer monsoon rainfall in the future climate by the IPCC SRES A1B scenario, tends to be increased especially over the eastern part of Japan during July and September. The increase of the precipitation over this region seems to be related with the weakening of northwestern part of North Pacific High and the formation of anticyclonic flow over the south of Yangtze River in the future climate.