Identification of Albula sp. (Albulidae: Albuliformes) Leptocephalus Collected from the Southern Coastal Waters of Korea using Cytochrome b DNA Sequences

  • Kim, Byung-Jik (National Institute of Biological Resources, Environmental Research Complex) ;
  • Kim, Sung (Marine Living Resources Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Seo, Hyun-Seok (Marine Living Resources Research Department, KORDI) ;
  • Oh, Jin-A (Marine Living Resources Research Department, KORDI)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


A single specimen of Albula leptocephalus (55.7 mm SL) was collected from the southern coastal waters of Korea using an aquatic lamp. It is characterized by having a ribbon-like body with a small head and a well-forked caudal fin. Although the general appearance was similar to the leptocephalus of A. vulpes including myomere counts and fin ray counts, the melanophore deposition was different from that of A. vulpes. This leptocephalus specimen was confirmed with A. forsteri using the cytochrome b mtDNA (Cytb) analysis. The genetic distance of Cytb between the present leptocephalus and A. forsteri is 0.006-0.038, which falls into the cutoff point separating Albula species into eight deep lineages including the four valid species. Its genetic characteristic have more similarities to those of Fiji than those of Hawaii and the Northern territory of Australia.



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