Trichophyton erinacei is a dermatophyte pathogen that infects both humans and hedgehogs. A two-month old female four-toed hedgehog presented to the Chonbuk Animal Medical Center with pruritus, excoriation and crust on her face for ten days. The owner of the hedgehog also exhibited the clinical signs of scaly erythema with fine vesicles on her neck. A presumptive diagnosis of dermatophytosis was made based on the results of an acetate tape preparation in which hyphae and chains of arthroconidia were observed. The crusts from the lesions were then cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar for identification. After 10 days of incubation, downy colored colonies that had a central umbo with a white granular surface and a yellow pigment ring in the reverse were observed. Microscopic analysis revealed the presence of numerous teardrop shaped microconidia singly attached to the sides of the hyphae. In addition, 2-6 roomed macroconidia that were somewhat irregular in shape and size were present, and abundant intermediate sized spores were observed between the micro and macro conidia. To confirm that the culture was T. erinacei, the internal transcribed spacer region of the 5.8S phase of the ribosomal RNA gene (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA) was amplified by PCR and then sequenced. A 679-base pair fragment of DNA was then compared with sequences in GenBank and found to be 99% homologous with sequences of T. erinacei (Z97997 and Z97996. The clinical signs were resolved after four weeks of treatment with oral and topical ketoconazole and chlorhexidine. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first case of T. erinacei isolated from a four-toed hedgehog in Korea.