MALSORI (대한음성학회지:말소리)
- Issue 66
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- Pages.117-130
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- 2008
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- 1226-1173(pISSN)
Automatic Detection of Korean Prosodic Boundaries U sing Acoustic and Grammatical Information
음성정보와 문법정보를 이용한 한국어 운율 경계의 자동 추정
- Kim, Sun-Hee ;
- Jeon, Je-Hun (Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas) ;
- Hong, Hye-Jin ;
- Chung, Min-Hwa
- Published : 2008.06.30
This paper presents a method for automatically detecting Korean prosodic boundaries using both acoustic and grammatical information for the performance improvement of speech information processing systems. While most of previous works are solely based on grammatical information, our method utilizes not only grammatical information constructed by a Maximum-Entropy-based grammar model using 10 grammatical features, but also acoustical information constructed by a GMM-based acoustic model using 14 acoustic features. Given that Korean prosodic structure has two intonationally defined prosodic units, intonation phrase (IP) and accentual phrase (AP), experimental results show that the detection rate of AP boundaries is 82.6%, which is higher than the labeler agreement rate in hand transcribing, and that the detection rate of IP boundaries is 88.7%, which is slightly lower than the labeler agreement rate.