- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcast, "NGN Multicast Service Capabilities with MPLS-based QoS Support", SG13-TD-WP3-0354, April 2007
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcastsf, "NGN Multicast based Service Framework", May 2008
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.RACF (Y.2111) Release 2, "Resource and Admission Control Functions in Next Generation Networks"
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcastfa, "Functional Architecture of NGN Multicast", May 2008
- ITU-T FG IPTV, "IPTV Network control aspects", April 2008
- ITU-T FG IPTV, "IPTV Multicast Frameworks", April 2008
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw, IPTV Network control framework, June 2008
- ITU-T Working Draft text of "Functional architectural aspects of IPTV network control", May 2008
- I ANA allocation of class D allocation, http://www. iana. org/assignments/multicast-addresses
- IETF RFC 3180, "GLOP Addressing in 233/8" , September 2001
- RFC 2365, "Ackninistratively Scoped IP Multicast", July 1998
- IETF RFC 3138, "Extended Assignments in 233/8" June 2001