우울증 성향을 보인 중년여성에 대한 모래놀이치료 사례연구

The case study of sand play therapy for a middle-aged woman with depression

  • 문채련 (충북 모래놀이치료.가족치료 연구소)
  • Moon, Chae-Lyun (Korean Association of Sand Play Therapy Chungbuk Institute)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study is to find the sand play therapeutic effect for a middle-aged woman who shows the depression because of her husband's debauchery. The client showed psychological conflict, also her children appeared the schoolwork problem and regression. For the pre-test, HTP, KED, SCT and MMPI were used. As a result of analysis she was under heavy stress and chose to sleep as a mean to forget herself. The sand play total sessions were 19. The subject of the sand play therapy were analysed the sessions into the chaos stage, the struggle stage, ego/self axis stage and the adaptation stage. Sand play therapy helps the client's positive change and accept in the sand play. The sand play therapy was effective and significant to cure to middle-aged woman with depression.



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