유치원 교사의 교육과정 평가와 유아 평가에 대한 실태 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

A survey on the evaluation of curriculum and young children by kindergarten teachers

  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


The purpose of this study was to consider the evaluations of curriculum and young children by kindergarten teachers. The investigation subjects for questionnaire were 637 (the directors, vice-directors, the head teachers, and teachers) who were selected by proportional stratified sampling method for population and the subjects for interview were 11 teachers out of previous subjects who have worked at Jeolla-Do. The questionnaire was based on preceding studies and the propriety of contents was validated. The followings are results of this study. First, according to the purpose of curriculum, more than half of kindergarten teachers answered that they do perform evaluation to validate the young children's developmental process and there were statistically no significant differences by variables of kindergarten teachers. This study was to see whether they perform the evaluation results of curriculum or not, they relatively perform and there were statistically differences by kindergarten teacher's working location, establishment type, level of education and age. This study was to see whether they reflect the evaluation results of curriculum, and it was revealed as they relatively reflect. Also, there were statistically significant differences by kindergarten teacher's working location. And, kindergarten teachers requested the appropriate evaluation curriculum that also requires the adequate education for teachers and organized supporting system as a implication plan. Second, as of material types for children's portfolio evaluation, teachers collect activity products at most, then activity picture, observation, standardized test, teacher's journal, recording or tape-recording, post-interview and data that were collected at home. And, kindergarten teachers requested the appropriate evaluation method and the supply of human resources as a implication plan for young children's evaluation.



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