복수 최단 경로의 새로운 해법에 관한 연구

A Study on a new Algorithm for K Shortest Paths Problem

  • 장병만 (서울산업대학교 산업정보시스템공학과)
  • 발행 : 2008.07.31


This paper presents a new algorithm for the K shortest paths problem in a network. After a shortest path is produced with Dijkstra algorithm. detouring paths through inward arcs to every vertex of the shortest path are generated. A length of a detouring path is the sum of both the length of the inward arc and the difference between the shortest distance from the origin to the head vertex and that to the tail vertex. K-1 shorter paths are selected among the detouring paths and put into the set of K paths. Then detouring paths through inward arcs to every vertex of the second shortest path are generated. If there is a shorter path than the current Kth path in the set. this path is placed in the set and the Kth path is removed from the set, and the paths in the set is rearranged in the ascending order of lengths. This procedure of generating the detouring paths and rearranging the set is repeated until the $K^{th}-1$ path of the set is obtained. The computational results for networks with about 1,000,000 nodes and 2,700,000 arcs show that this algorithm can be applied to a problem of generating the detouring paths in the metropolitan traffic networks.



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